General Information

Flora and Vegetation - Endemic Species of the Dolomite Rocks

The rocky environments of the Dolomites  were only partially affected by the Quaternary glaciations. These areas have sometimes served as shelter to Preglacial species and represent a very peculiar and exclusive ecological niche. Therefore, these are among the ecosystems where the greatest number of endemic species – unique to this area –have been preserved. With their history, endemic species constitute an emblem of originality and make each habitat unique and unrepeatable.  
Rock walls and screes are among the richest environments, they host fifteen of these endemic plants, some of which are strictly limited to the Dolomites others span the Eastern Alps. The endemic species that grow on the Ampezzo rocky areas are: 

At high altitude:

Sempervivum of the Dolomites (Sempervivum dolomiticum)
Facchini’s saxifrage (Saxifraga facchinii)
Draba of the Dolomites (Draba dolomitica)
Haussmann’s androsace (Androsace haussmanni)
Triglav hawk’s-head (Crepis terglouensis)
Alpine Scurvy Grass (Rhizobotrya alpina)
Fescue of the Dolomites (Festuca austrodolomitica)

On sunny rocks at lower altitudes:

Narrow-leaved wormwood (Artemisia nitida)
Moretti’s bellflower (Campanula morettiana)
Grey-green sandwort (Moehringia glaucovirens)
Tyrolese primrose (Primula tyrolensis)
Veselsky’s catchfly (Silene veselskyi)
Tufted horned rampion (Physoplexis comosa)
Tyrolese bedstraw (Galium margaritaceum)
and a small fern, the Spleenwort of the Dolomites (Asplenium seelosii)