General Information

Geography - The Protected Areas

The Natural Park of the Ampezzo Dolomites lies on the northern half of the Ampezzo lands. It comprises the mountain groups of  Tofana, Cime di Fanes – Lagazuoi, Col Bechéi – Lavinòres, Croda Rossa and Cristallo and  covers an area of 118 square kilometres. The lands lying outside the protected area, that is the other mountain groups and the agricultural and urban areas of the Ampezzo valley, occupy the remaining  136 sq km of the municipal territory.
In 2003, the Natural park and some areas  of the Sorapis, Nuvolau, and Croda da Lago mountain groups were included in three different ”Natura 2000 Sites” of European importance, the so called SCI (Sites of Community interest  for the preservation of natural habitats) and SPA (Special Protection Areas)  to protect bird species. Since  that date, the protected areas outside the Park have been further enlarged by 50 sq km thus totalling  164 sq km (65% of the municipal surface). This fact testifies to the enormous naturalistic and environmental  value for which our mountains are custodians.
However, the sites where biodiversity is more abundant and concentrated and perhaps most vulnerable, are the meadows and wetlands of the valley floor. In fact, lying closer to urban infrastructures, they are  more likely to be abandoned or aberrantly misused or mismanaged, and, above all, because they are not included in the property of the Regole. Yet, their value and their vulnerability are recognized by the City Plan, which allows consistent agricultural use and forbids other different uses – for the time being. These areas, though covering a few hectares each, are classified as “Biotopes of municipal and provincial interest”, but their delimitation ensures protection, if nothing else, to prevent building construction